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Bhagavad Gita's Definition of God

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Most of us read Bhagvad Gita, when we search for God. Search for God is search for eternity. As we age, the fear of death comes from inside. We have always seen God as an eternal thing. Our parents always told us that God is eternal, your soul is eternal. No matter what your religion is, God becomes a synonym of Eternity. Bhagvad Gita is not a book of false beliefs, its definition of God is completely different. Its one of those books which tells the reality, not just fiction. This reality about about God is not mentioned in most of the literature about God. Lets go deep into it.

Bhagavad Gita's Definition of God

Bhagavad Gita's Definition of God can't be expressed in just one paragraph. When Krishna was giving the Gita Updesh (reciting) to Arjuna in the middle of a battle field, he showed his Viraat Swaroop (Actual Face / Largest Face) to him. That Viraat Swaroop contained everything. Everything means everything in the universe. At time Krishna was one with the universe. He was himself the Universe. All living organisms, all humans (both good and bad guys), all stars, all planets, everything was one with him. Nobody had seen that face of God before. That face of God was undefinable. It was nature himself. It was the whole universe. Its Nature. Its a Energy, that takes various shapes. Fire, water, space, land, all are part of it.

Usually we take light as God and Darkness as evil. But as per Bhagavad Gita's Definition of God, both so called God and Evil are part of it. Nothing can escape its limits. We take birth from its energy and in the end get dissolved into it. Shapes evolve and change. Humans consider the shape of God as their own, because we think we are superior. But there is no particular shape of God. Our mind demands a shape to be worshiped, so we have given various shapes to god, various names and created places for them where we can worship them.

But there were some intellectuals in Hindu religion and some other religions as well, who understood the concept of God (the definition of God). They started to worship animals, trees, rivers, mountains and created stories for non-intellectuals, so that they understand the importance of nature in their lives.

As per Bhagavad Gita's Definition of God, there is nothing good or bad, its part of nature. The same God gives us life, intelligence, good manners, good thinking and the same God makes us wrong, with bad thinking and in the end also takes our lives. You can't blame all bad parts on evil. Evil is a part of God. The same river that gives us water to drink, bath and irrigate our fields also kills us during flood. Thats why its all same. Nature creates us, nature destroys us, it keeps the balance. When we were not there, it was there. When we will not be there, it will still be there. When the sun will be finished, it will be there in the dark.

Humans have only spent a few thousand years on Earth, but nature was working from millions or billions of years to make it habitable for humans, and in the end humans come into form after a long journey of evolution. Who knows what the nature have in its mind. Now we know that there are some superior organisms in the universe, who are much advanced than us. They are also created by the same God.

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